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My research focuses on diverse issues in grief and loss, counselor training, and scale development and psychometrics.

See below for samples of my research and scholarship, or follow my updates on GoogleScholar.

Cable Car way to Tianmen mountain nation

The Coping Assessment for Bereavement and Loss Experiences (CABLE)

My team (Crunk, Burke, Neimeyer, Robinson, & Bai, 2019) and I developed the CABLE to provide clinicians and bereaved individuals alike with an instrument for assessing potentially constructive strategies for coping with grief. The CABLE is a brief, 28-item, clinically useful scale that can be used to inform treatment or as a self-management tool for grievers themselves.

Happy Hiking

The Inventory of Complicated Spiritual Grief 2.0 (ICSG 2.0)

The ICSG 2.0

Fall Foliage

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Risk of Complicated Grief

This is your News & Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish announcements about yourself and your coaching services. You can also use this space to publish relevant tips and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Informational Articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement! Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end.

Bridge Over River

Complicated Grief: An Evolving Theoretical Landscape

This is your News & Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish announcements about yourself and your coaching services. You can also use this space to publish relevant tips and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Informational Articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement! Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end.

Wandering Traveler

Innovative Moments in Humanistic Therapy with Bereaved Clients

This is your News & Resources Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish announcements about yourself and your coaching services. You can also use this space to publish relevant tips and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Informational Articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement! Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end.

Elizabeth Crunk, PhD, NCC

(240) 342-6802

©2025 Dr. Elizabeth Crunk

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